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Social commitment

We are aware of our social responsibility

Our economic activities aim to supply Germany's small and medium-sized enterprises with electrotechnical materials and tools and to contribute to climate-friendly energy security. With our products and services, we drive the expansion of renewable energies and want to contribute to livable environments for future generations as well.

Sustainability is not only an integral part of our business activities, but also characterizes the social commitment of E-M-C-direct. We focus on regional foundations and causes that have been contributing to positive social change for many years.

A special concern of ours are children and young people from disadvantaged families, to whose educational opportunities, leisure activities and perspectives we would like to contribute.

Some of our supported partners and projects:

Dorstener Tafel e.V.

The approximately 70 volunteers of the Dorstener Tafel (Dorsten Food Bank) take care of the food supply of many needy people in our region every day. Also during Corona time and with a special focus on the children of our city.


Mr. Trucker Kinderhilfe e.V.

Mr. Trucker Kinderhilfe is an association that has been active since 1991 and focuses on supporting disadvantaged children and families from the Dorsten area. Over the past 30 years, Mr. Trucker has provided highly professional, efficient and direct help in a wide range of projects and it is impossible to imagine our region without it.


Bluhm Fund

Since 1998 and with meanwhile about 70 association members Bluhm Fonds is engaged regionally and internationally for needy people in all life situations. What unites all projects: fast, pragmatic, unbureaucratic help that reaches the people directly.


Car dealership Södermanns

Automobile Södermanns, or the Reha Mobility Center NRW, has been doing an excellent job for many years in converting all kinds of vehicles suitable for the disabled for people with limited mobility. When government agencies were still hesitating and struggling for competence in the course of the Ukraine war, the team of the Reha Mobilitätszentrum NRW was immediately on the spot and made an important contribution with many aid transports and evacuations of the sick.


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